Commonly, on-site sanitation is equivalent to ‘household latrine’, but may also include facilities shared by several households living together on the same site. The more commonly known on-site...
Clariflocculator in Waste Water Treatments
In large waste water treatment plants, the flocculator and the clarifier are combined together to achieve economy in construction. The combined unit of flocculator...
Sedimentation basins have 4 zones
1. The Inlet zone,
2. The Settling zone,
3. The Sludge zone, and
4. The Outlet zone.
Each zone should provide a smooth transition between the zone before and the zone...
Water Chlorination
Chlorination is the application of chlorine to the water for the purpose of disinfection. But the chlorination can also be used for taste and odor control, iron and manganese removal, and to...
Lime Processing Water Softener
Lime softening water treatment process involves a relatively complicated series of chemical reactions. The goal of all of these reactions is to change the calcium and magnesium...