Safety Require for Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Cylinder Room.
Chlorine house should have to following features:
- The chlorine cylinders and feeders should be housed in an isolated room from the Water treatment plant, easily accessible, close to point of application and convenient for truck loading / Unloading and safe container handling·
- The floor of the water treatment plants chlorine house should be at least 15 cm above surrounding ground and drainage.
- Chlorine house should have at least two exit doors for cross ventilation that allows an approximate air change in 10 minutes.
- For small installations, provision of ventilator opening at the bottom, one opposite the other is adequate.
- A satisfactory ventilation scheme involves a combination of fresh air and exhaust system, consisting of fans that force the fresh air into the room through the opening near the ceiling with exhaust fan to clear away any chlorine contaminated air near floor level.
- Cylinder containing chlorine should be handled gently. They should not be bumped, dropped or rolled on the ground and no object should be allowed to strike them with force.
- The protective hood over the valve should always be kept in place except when the cylinders are in use.
- Cylinders should not be stored in open or damp places.
- Empty cylinders should be stored away from full cylinders.
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Can you send me design specs for the chlorine cylinder room ventilation system? Where can I buy this equipment?