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Operation and Maintenance for Water Supply Systems

Operation and Maintenance for Water Supply Systems

1.TERMINOLOGY Operation of water supply system is timely and daily operation of the components of a water supply system such as headworks, treatment plant, machinery and equipment, transmission mains, service reservoirs and distribution system etc. efficiently and economically to attain the...
Water Treatment Filters

Water Treatment Filters

HIGH RATE WATER TREATMENT FILTERS High rate water treatment filters, which operate at a rate two to three times that of rapid sand filters, use a combination of filter media, not just sand. The combination vary with the application, but generally they are sand and anthracite coal. Multimedia or...
Rapid Sand Filters

Rapid Sand Filters

Water Treatment Sand Filter The Rapid Sand Filter (RSF) water treatment equipment differs from the Slow Sand Filter water treatment equipment in a variety of ways, the most important of which are the much greater water treatment filtration rate and the ability to clean automatically using back...

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