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Zones of Sedimentation Basin

Zones of Sedimentation Basin

Sedimentation basins have 4 zones 1. The Inlet zone, 2. The Settling zone, 3. The Sludge zone, and 4. The Outlet zone. Each zone should provide a smooth transition between the zone before and the zone after. Zones in Rectangular Sedimentation Basin Each and every zone has its own unique...
Types Of Sedimentation Basin

Types Of Sedimentation Basin

The common types of sedimentation basins are rectangular basins, square or circular basins and Solid contact clarifiers. Rectangular Basins Rectangular basin showing Inlet& outlet Rectangular basins are the simplest design, allowing water to flow horizontally through a long tank  This type...


 Purpose Of  Sedimentation Sedimentation is a unit operation to settle out the suspended particles and flocs in water. Sedimentation water treatment is achieved by lowering the velocity of the water below the suspension velocity to settle out suspended particles by gravity. The process is also...
Coagulation Dosage

Coagulation Dosage

COAGULANT DOSAGE Although there is some relation between turbidity of the raw water and the coagulant dosage, the exact quantity can be determined only by trial. Even thus determined amount will vary with other factors such as time of mixing and water temperature. The use of minimum quantity of...
Water Treatment Coagulation

Water Treatment Coagulation

Water Treatment Coagulants Coagulant water treatment chemicals come in two main types – primary water treatment coagulants and coagulant aids. Primary coagulants neutralize the electrical charges of particles in the water which causes the particles to clump together. Chemically, coagulant...
Coagulation and Flocculation

Coagulation and Flocculation

Types of Suspended Particles in  WATER There are three types of particles which can be found in water in suspension and cause turbidity. In the order from smallest to largest, these particles are chemicals in solution, suspended colloidal solids, and suspended discrete solids. Some discrete...

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